24 October 2008

Book Club

I hosted the book club here in my neighborhood last night. We did something a little different, we went out to eat! It was a Indian restaurant, it was really good. We had such a blast! We were not sure how to pronounce the names of the dishes so when the servers assistant came with the food and asked who ordered "the dish name" we all looked at her with a question in our eyes. We are still not sure if everyone got the meal that they ordered but the food was great. Maybe we will do it again some tine soon.
I look forward to going to book club as it forces me out of my comfort zone of reading. The book was "A Little Princess" by Frances Hodgson Burnett.
As I hosted I was in charge of finding out about the author. This lady was really a go-getter. If your are interested at all here is a source that I used http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frances_Hodgson_Burnett.

Next book we are reading is "The Christmas Carol" it is our Christmas party where we all bring a book to exchange and get a new book for the year!

I'm going to talk about my kids one at one time. Today's turn will be Emily. Emily will be turning 5 in November. She is in Kindergarten and is having the time of her life. I talked with her teacher yesterday and she is moving right along in her learning. Emily is really good at simple addition. She has not yet decided what she is going to be for Halloween as we have not looks at all our costumes. I post pictures when we has decided.

22 October 2008

Can you believe these pictures they are painted on someones hands!

First Time

Wow! I should have done this years ago. I hope to have pictures of my family up some time soon. we'll see how this goes!