30 January 2009

Lifes Joys

I am having so much fun on facebook! I never thought I would be there and read comments and make them that I'm just glad I did it! Thanks Amy.

Life is moving forward here in the benson home. We have had 4 colds and Samuel has had it the longest because he is trying to bring in 4 molars at the same time. He is not a happy camper.

Brittany is going to go to Provo this summer to EFY. She chose to go over her birthday, she thought it would be cool to be called up front and have everyone sing to her.

Michael is getting ready to go to Yellowstone in May. His school take all 8th graders that meet the requirements. So far Michael has!

Sarah is learning Spanish in school and has a friend come over and help her say them right.

Chloe is going to play soccer in the spring and is looking forward to it!

Emily is at loose ends and it wondering what she should do next.

Samuel is in pain from teething.

David has joined a choir and has is first concert on Saturday.

I am going to Phoenix in May!

We try not to schedule our kids so their not so busy but they end up that way anyway!