08 January 2009

Life moves on...

In our house no one is still for very long. We have to keep all the doors closed so Samuel does not harm his siblings stuff or himself. Samuel thinks he is a lot older and try's to to the same thing his siblings do. Like climb the built-in-ladder on the girls bunk bed. Yes, he can really do it but is safe? Oh no it is not!! Here is a picture of Samuel after pulling out all my dish towels then, well see....

For Christmas My parents gave David & I a negative & slide scanner. I am very excited! I started using it and have scanned some of my wedding negitives, from 16 years ago!
Here's one:

I am hoping to be able to scan in more of our pictures of when my older kids were young.

Today, is phase 2 of the house plans. the architect will be looking at the lot we want to build on and see if the house will fit. David & think it will with no problem at all. After looking he will come back to our current house to show us the updated plans. I am very excited, but David told me not to be becouse he does not want me to be disapointed. At this point I don't think I could be.

Our Aunt Pat bought the children the Wii for Christmas. It has been hard to give them equal time. Partly because of skill level and the other part is how cordinated they are. Chloe & Emily have a harder time the the older 3. So I try to give them more time to practice but then the older 3 complain that they don't get enough time. I'm almost ready to hide it! But David & I like to play it after the kids go bed. We found out that I'm a better bowler the him, ;)

05 January 2009

Happy New Year - 6 days late!

Better late than never!

I am looking forward to the new year with much excitement. David & I gave each other the gift of house plans for Christmas. We are hoping to build this year if the cost is right. We have already been through the first phase, and we made only a few changes. In the next few days we should be looking at the plans again. We are hoping that in March we can get the ball rolling on this project.

As for my new years resolutions, I have a few thing I want to work on.

1. Lose some weight

2. Read my scriptures on a more regular bases

3. Wake up with my older children (5:30 am)

4. Be debt free except to a mortgage

I'm sure there are more but I can't think of any right now.