03 November 2008


I did not take any Halloween pictures of my kids!!! I don't know how that happened, but it did.
We had a great week but very busy. It started on Monday (as each week should) I needed to do the laundry. A total of 6 loads and only a few hours to do them in. a short FHE of decorating our pumpkins, as there was a ton of homework for the second grader and the tenth grader. :(
Tuesday I forgot to help out in Chloe's class (which I have come to enjoy). Then piano lessons for Brittany then dinner and finally Mutual!
Wednesday: I had a counseling session that observed. The Interns that we train each semester seem to get better very semester. It is nice to see them grow and become more confident in their skills. Sarah also did not have school so watch Samuel for me with a friend. Later she had 3 friends over and had a grand time.
Thursday: Food shopping didn't get to finish, need to go home because Samuel woke up and David need to get back to work. oh, well. After everyone was bathed I took Brittany out to finish her costume for Halloween. She was Goth. Emily had a Halloween party at school so wore her costume, she was a pink bunny. Sarah wanted her hair braided so that in the morning it would be kinky. By the time I was done my fingers were stiff and cramped, it was very painful to straiten them out.
Friday: HALLOWEEN! This morning everyone needed my help!I was up @ 5 am to help Brittany with her hair & make-up. I've gotten really good at straitening her hair. With our old straightener is took me an hour now it is half that.8) Everyone finally was off to school so I started the laundry again only 4 loads today! After picking Emily up and having lunch we (Emily, Samuel & me) finished our food shopping. Needed to have an early dinner so we could start trick-or-treating @ 6pm. To make things even more busy Brittany wanted to dye her hair black to be more Goth! I just could not do it. I felt really bad but told her next year we would start the week before and get her completely ready. She left for a party and took the camera with her! So it is all her fault there are no pictures! hahaha ;)
Everyone had a great time. Emily hooked up with friends and went around with them. Chloe tried to find her friends but never did so she hung with her Dad, they tried to scare me when the came home. Sarah was out for 3 hours and has a lot of candy. Michael decided not to dress-up this year but hung out with friends. Brittany went to a party and was out till 10:30 pm. Needless to say we all slept in on Saturday.
The weekend: Got some good sleep. Went to lunch with Grandparent Bensons, had fun and was good to see them. Went to bed without fixing the clocks. had a really good sleep! Went to church, came home and had popcorn & fruit plate, always a favorite. Went to bed and the week started all over again!