24 January 2009

I'm on my way!

David and I are trying to change the way we eat and exercise. I found a website that helps in making sure you eat the right amount of calories and easy exercises. Best of all it is all FREE!! It is http://www.sparkpeople.com/. I have lost 7 lbs already and we have been doing this for 2 1/2 weeks! We treat our selves to two nights of sweets or dinner out. That has really helped in not eating sweets during the week. I also drink a lot more water 8 8oz. it is not as hard as I thought it would be. When I lose a little bit more weight I will slowly add the harder exercises in. I just needed to tell everyone how great this plan is. David keeps saying that it is too easy so that must mean it is not working, but it is! In a few months I will need to buy new clothes! Yeah!!!!!

20 January 2009

What an exciting day! I know that I will remember it for a long time. I took some pictures of the inauguration on my TV. I got the idea from the book we read in book club last month call The Last Lecture. In it the authors dad take a picture of the Moon landing for his son who was away for summer camp and could not watch it. That got a few of us thinking about this inauguration that our kids would be in school and my not be able to watch it. David & I taped it from prayer to prayer. I also took pictures of the swearing in of both Obama & Biden. I am so glad I did that because it was fun though David thought it was a little weird. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. I will pray for President Obama to make the correct choices.
Good Luck President Obama!