26 October 2008

The Weekend!!!

Well most of us slept in on Sat. Samuel was up @7am so David took him , as I was up with him in the night. I went back to sleep until 10! wow, I was amazed that I could sleep that long. Then my laptop would not work properly for most of the day. So no post. Saturday was Samuel's Day for news. He is a mover & a shaker. Even when his is asleep he does not stop moving. Out of all my kids he is the most restless. Though he is quick to smile and laugh at what ever happens. His favorite past time is to go around the kitchen table in circles and try to shake the other kids chair (while they are still in it). We are not sure what we will do for entertainment when he grows some and does not wanted to be laughed at any more.
He has 6 teeth now two on top an four on the bottom. If he gets a hold of your finger it will go in his mouth and be bitten. For some reason Samuel will not go to other women very easily but usually not have a problem going to a man. As our daycare person is a woman is it very hard to leave him knowing this. I have been going over with him to get him used to her, so far that seems to be working well.

On Friday we went to the elementary school Halloween carnival. All but Michael went (he wanted to stay & hang with his friends), we had a good time Emily & Chloe dressed up as a Bunny & a Ghost. Played lots of games and Brittany took pictures for her class.

Today, we all went to church and sat in a different pew. It was very hard to listen as all the children (that were not mine) were being very loud and whining. I think we try a different pew next week, maybe toward the front.

Our family book that we are reading is "The Great Brain". So far we are really liking the book. The one we have is Davids old book and on the front it says "SEE THE OSMONDS' FIRST MAJOR MOTION PICTURE THE GREAT BRAIN Starring JIMMY OSMOND" After reading the first chapter I was laughing because the author is a Catholic boy that has to beat up all the Mormon boys, and the main charater is being played by a Mormon! :) Even more fun is that there is one of the Bowen family traditions in the book, it is "Heavy Heavy Hangover thy poor head" and it was game played birthday parties to prolong the gift giving. We have continued this tradition in our family.

More another day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never thought of where "heavy heavy hangover" came from! I thought we brilliantly came up with it ourselves. Ah, well. Sounds like a fun weekend!