11 November 2008

Oh, Well, again.

I really wanted to write everyday about my family life but that is just not going to happen! It is really hard to find the time to sit and compose when you have a one year old trying to type with you. Yes you read that right my youngest is now a year. It is hard to believe that a year has gone by so quickly.

This is my favorite picture. He did not like the frosting on his hands but wanted to eat the cake, so he eat it without his hands!

Today Brittany is trying out for a part in a play for next tri. It is Peter Pan! She would really like to be Wendy. I'll let you know when we know the results. which should be around the 19th of this month.


Jana said...

Hooray! You allow comments now. How cute that he didn't want to to get his hands dirty. Happy birthday Samuel!

Melanie said...

Wow! I can't believe he's already 1! Where does time go?