26 November 2008

We have been busy!!

Well a lot has happened since I posted last time. we've had a birthday, a business trip and now thanksgiving! As Emily's birthday fell during my business trip, we celebrated on the Saturday after. We went out to dinner and Emily picked the all time favorite McDonald's! Yeah. I am getting tired of McDonald's. We then came home and opened presents and had cake & ice cream.

This is Emily with her Birthday hat from school

She loved all her gifts from her siblings. She was really excited about the new winter jacket from her grandparents Bowen

I was in CA for a week to obtain training to become a better counselor. It was a very good class and I'm glad that I was able to go. I still need to take an exam to become certified. I hope to complete it over the holiday weekend.
While I was there they were filming a play at my hotel called the "State of Play". It was fun to see all the movie equipment, did not see any stars though did see a lot of extras being filmed.

Thanksgiving is now upon us. I have been thinking what I have been thankful for. It was not hard to think of things like my children and my wonderful husband (who looked after the kids while I was gone). What I really was thinking about was what I was spiritually thankful for.
I really a thankful for the gospel in my life and how it has shaped who I am and who I want to become (I take after my father in that I still don't know what I want to be when I grow-up).
I am thankful for the Saviors love and how he loves me even when I have made wrong choices.
I am thankful for the ability to forgive and to be forgiven.
I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh...I've always wanted to see a movie filming. Russell Crowe's in that movie!