21 December 2008

It's Almost Christmas!!!

Yes, it is that time of year when we give each other presents for someone else's birthday.

It is really hard to purchase a gift for Christ with money, He does not need anything from the store. What he wants is our time, to become more spiritually awear, to read our scriptures more and with the spirit. I know it is hard to give up our time, but I'm going to improve this Christmas as my gift to Christ.

Well, as a family we are going to have a better week this week that last week. We had to take our youngest to the hospital as he had come down with croup. David & I have never dealt with croup before (which is kind odd considering we have 6 kids). It was pretty scary to see Samuel chest go so far in that we rushed him to the ER. He was admitted for the night because after steroids and a breathing treatment (one big long medical word that I can't remember) he still had something called strider. We were relived that it was controllable and everything would be alright. Samuel & David will be staying home from church to day as we don't want to pass his illness to anyone else.

Merry CHRISTmas


Jocelyn said...

I had no idea what was happening just a couple doors down. I'm sorry -- croup is a scary thing, isn't it?

How can we (Stanton & I) help?

Stacy said...

Thanks for the offer but everything is now under control and he is much better

Anonymous said...

Glad Samuel's feeling better!