05 January 2009

Happy New Year - 6 days late!

Better late than never!

I am looking forward to the new year with much excitement. David & I gave each other the gift of house plans for Christmas. We are hoping to build this year if the cost is right. We have already been through the first phase, and we made only a few changes. In the next few days we should be looking at the plans again. We are hoping that in March we can get the ball rolling on this project.

As for my new years resolutions, I have a few thing I want to work on.

1. Lose some weight

2. Read my scriptures on a more regular bases

3. Wake up with my older children (5:30 am)

4. Be debt free except to a mortgage

I'm sure there are more but I can't think of any right now.


Jocelyn said...

Great family photo!

And what's this about house plans? Where will that be happening?

Great goals for a new year.

Stacy said...

maybe in smithfield

Candi Merritt said...

I refuse to make New Years resolutions. I'm always so disappointed when I break them.