13 February 2009

My Mother

This is my mother at my wedding almost 17 years ago, she is the one in the royal blue dress. I love her very much! right now she is in the hospital with some very serious health issues. I wanted to write a little about her while I am thinking of her. She has been able to help me with most of children after they have been born. I have cherished though times.
As a child she would take my two brothers and me out to Colorado from Virgina by herself, almost every summer. We would stay for a week or two. What i remember most about that time was how during the drive how calm she was most of the time. A few years ago I decided that if my Mom could drive a cross country I could too. Well I was stressed the entire time, I have yet to figure out how she did it!
I have been praying for her since she went back to the hospital. She gave us a really bad scare today by having her heart stop and the medical team have to do CPR to bring her back.

Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts. Thanks to all!


If your interested here is a wedsite you and go to to see updates on my mom Connie


last name: Beaver
password: cdb8clvld

Thanks for all your payers and concern!

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