15 April 2009

Major development in the life of Stacy

My major development is that my dad has found my birth-mother! I am not quite sure how to feel about this, I have wanted to find her and meet her for as long as I can remember. My mom wanted to help me find her bur we were not sure where to look. Well, dad kept looking. She lives in Alaska! She is supposed to call sometime in the next few days. This has help in breaking the hurt of not changing my blog. I know that sounds silly but there you have it. I know my mom would want me to reach out to my birth-mother and make that connection. What is icing on the cake is that there is a half-sister! There might be more sibling that I don't know of yet. I am feeling a little overwhelmed by it all. I write more as I find out more! Bye.


Jana said...

Wow, I don't even know how you would be feeling right now. That is very exciting news!

Melanie said...

That is exciting, though I can see how it is causing more emotions than expected. Good luck--I'm anxious to hear more.

Kristen said...

Holy cow!