01 December 2009


Some picutres of Emily's and Samuel's birthdays!

23 October 2009

Samuel 1st Haircut!

Wow! what a cute kid! He now looks like a little boy instead of a baby boy.

19 October 2009

Plans for next Summer?

David & I have been thinking... I know we try not to do it often as we seem to lose more brain cells that way. hehe
Before my mom passed away she would host a family get together. I want to start that back up but do not have the resources she had. I was thinking we could pick a place and then find cheap lodging and use our money doing fun stuff in the area. Now to pick where to go. I have never been to Yellowstone and would like to go there. There is also the Grand Canyon, Disney World, Omaha, NE; and many other locations. Looking for input from family and friends. Hopefully we can come up with something before spring, Christmas is when I would like to have the decision made.

Let me know!

14 July 2009

Summer Trip!

The Kids I will be going on a trip at the end of July! First we will go and visit my brother and his family in Nebraska then on to Virgina. I hope we survive the trip. My mother used to take my 4 brothers & me to Colorado from VA almost every summer. If she could do it I know I can too. Though times have changed, we now have seat belt & car seat laws! It is a good thing that we have a DVD player in the van!

If you want to see us when were in VA give a shout out and I'll work you in to the visit! :)


More details to follow...

14 June 2009


Summer, the long awaited event of the year and all I get is "I'm bored, there is nothing to do." they have only been out of school for 10 days! Sarah came to me yesterday and asked if we were going anywhere this summer, I said that "I'm not sure, where would you like to go?" she said "anywhere". Well that helps! So that being said I am looking for ideas for what to do this summer, preferable outside of Utah. Willing to drive any where and visit people and places. May need a place to stay for some of the kids!

Go Summer!

11 June 2009

New Camera?

I want to get a new camera and be comfortable with it before my cruise in Nov. I have been thinking of a Nikon Coolpic S230. Does anyone have any suggestions?

29 May 2009

Life go's on

It has been awhile since I have written. I did speak to my birth mother on the phone. It was a very surreal experience for me. I mean there are only a few people in this world that I am related to by blood. We wanted to know each other but at the same time it was awkward because we did not know each other. I found out that she has lived most of her life in Alaska, she has one other daughter (different father), that I look like my birth father and that she has stage 4 colon cancer. We exchanged e-mails addresses and have left it at that. I am having a hard time bringing myself to be close to her so soon after losing my mom. I know I could not take it if we became close and she passed away, I would not recover. That being said I'm not sure how to go forward.

15 April 2009

Major development in the life of Stacy

My major development is that my dad has found my birth-mother! I am not quite sure how to feel about this, I have wanted to find her and meet her for as long as I can remember. My mom wanted to help me find her bur we were not sure where to look. Well, dad kept looking. She lives in Alaska! She is supposed to call sometime in the next few days. This has help in breaking the hurt of not changing my blog. I know that sounds silly but there you have it. I know my mom would want me to reach out to my birth-mother and make that connection. What is icing on the cake is that there is a half-sister! There might be more sibling that I don't know of yet. I am feeling a little overwhelmed by it all. I write more as I find out more! Bye.

18 February 2009


We will be holding a memorial service for my Mom on Saturday February 21, 2009 at 11 am at Christian Fellowship church, 21673 Beaumeade Circle, Ashburn, Va.

In lieu of flowers we request a memorial contrabution in the form of a donation to either charity:
Mercy Medical Airlift - 4620 Haygood Road Ste 1, Virginia Beach, VA 23455
Care Net Pregnancy Recource Center - 8741 Plantation Lane, Manassas, VA 20110

There is also a guest book at http://www.bakerpostfh.com/ where you can post a comment for the family.

Thanks again for the Love and Support.

13 February 2009

My Mother

This is my mother at my wedding almost 17 years ago, she is the one in the royal blue dress. I love her very much! right now she is in the hospital with some very serious health issues. I wanted to write a little about her while I am thinking of her. She has been able to help me with most of children after they have been born. I have cherished though times.
As a child she would take my two brothers and me out to Colorado from Virgina by herself, almost every summer. We would stay for a week or two. What i remember most about that time was how during the drive how calm she was most of the time. A few years ago I decided that if my Mom could drive a cross country I could too. Well I was stressed the entire time, I have yet to figure out how she did it!
I have been praying for her since she went back to the hospital. She gave us a really bad scare today by having her heart stop and the medical team have to do CPR to bring her back.

Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts. Thanks to all!


If your interested here is a wedsite you and go to to see updates on my mom Connie


last name: Beaver
password: cdb8clvld

Thanks for all your payers and concern!

30 January 2009

Lifes Joys

I am having so much fun on facebook! I never thought I would be there and read comments and make them that I'm just glad I did it! Thanks Amy.

Life is moving forward here in the benson home. We have had 4 colds and Samuel has had it the longest because he is trying to bring in 4 molars at the same time. He is not a happy camper.

Brittany is going to go to Provo this summer to EFY. She chose to go over her birthday, she thought it would be cool to be called up front and have everyone sing to her.

Michael is getting ready to go to Yellowstone in May. His school take all 8th graders that meet the requirements. So far Michael has!

Sarah is learning Spanish in school and has a friend come over and help her say them right.

Chloe is going to play soccer in the spring and is looking forward to it!

Emily is at loose ends and it wondering what she should do next.

Samuel is in pain from teething.

David has joined a choir and has is first concert on Saturday.

I am going to Phoenix in May!

We try not to schedule our kids so their not so busy but they end up that way anyway!

24 January 2009

I'm on my way!

David and I are trying to change the way we eat and exercise. I found a website that helps in making sure you eat the right amount of calories and easy exercises. Best of all it is all FREE!! It is http://www.sparkpeople.com/. I have lost 7 lbs already and we have been doing this for 2 1/2 weeks! We treat our selves to two nights of sweets or dinner out. That has really helped in not eating sweets during the week. I also drink a lot more water 8 8oz. it is not as hard as I thought it would be. When I lose a little bit more weight I will slowly add the harder exercises in. I just needed to tell everyone how great this plan is. David keeps saying that it is too easy so that must mean it is not working, but it is! In a few months I will need to buy new clothes! Yeah!!!!!

20 January 2009

What an exciting day! I know that I will remember it for a long time. I took some pictures of the inauguration on my TV. I got the idea from the book we read in book club last month call The Last Lecture. In it the authors dad take a picture of the Moon landing for his son who was away for summer camp and could not watch it. That got a few of us thinking about this inauguration that our kids would be in school and my not be able to watch it. David & I taped it from prayer to prayer. I also took pictures of the swearing in of both Obama & Biden. I am so glad I did that because it was fun though David thought it was a little weird. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. I will pray for President Obama to make the correct choices.
Good Luck President Obama!

08 January 2009

Life moves on...

In our house no one is still for very long. We have to keep all the doors closed so Samuel does not harm his siblings stuff or himself. Samuel thinks he is a lot older and try's to to the same thing his siblings do. Like climb the built-in-ladder on the girls bunk bed. Yes, he can really do it but is safe? Oh no it is not!! Here is a picture of Samuel after pulling out all my dish towels then, well see....

For Christmas My parents gave David & I a negative & slide scanner. I am very excited! I started using it and have scanned some of my wedding negitives, from 16 years ago!
Here's one:

I am hoping to be able to scan in more of our pictures of when my older kids were young.

Today, is phase 2 of the house plans. the architect will be looking at the lot we want to build on and see if the house will fit. David & think it will with no problem at all. After looking he will come back to our current house to show us the updated plans. I am very excited, but David told me not to be becouse he does not want me to be disapointed. At this point I don't think I could be.

Our Aunt Pat bought the children the Wii for Christmas. It has been hard to give them equal time. Partly because of skill level and the other part is how cordinated they are. Chloe & Emily have a harder time the the older 3. So I try to give them more time to practice but then the older 3 complain that they don't get enough time. I'm almost ready to hide it! But David & I like to play it after the kids go bed. We found out that I'm a better bowler the him, ;)

05 January 2009

Happy New Year - 6 days late!

Better late than never!

I am looking forward to the new year with much excitement. David & I gave each other the gift of house plans for Christmas. We are hoping to build this year if the cost is right. We have already been through the first phase, and we made only a few changes. In the next few days we should be looking at the plans again. We are hoping that in March we can get the ball rolling on this project.

As for my new years resolutions, I have a few thing I want to work on.

1. Lose some weight

2. Read my scriptures on a more regular bases

3. Wake up with my older children (5:30 am)

4. Be debt free except to a mortgage

I'm sure there are more but I can't think of any right now.